Pedigree of Freeman's Black Velvet Teddy
Freeman's Black Velvet Teddy
Cameo Black Velvet
Graham Uchida's Maverick
Tetsumaru of Ichikawa Aoki
Tokiwa No Benisuke Go Kasukabe Tokiwasou
常盤の紅助号 春日部ときわ荘
Fukubenihime of Ichikawa Aoki
Rikihome of Yoshizen Kotobukisou
Rikiishi Go Toyohashi Houzansou
Hozanme Go Toyohashi Hozansou
Shiroi Hana of Shosha Shibas
Graham Uchida's Chiyuki
Sotou No Gyokuryuu Go Sotosou
Rikihome of Yoshizen Kotobukisou
Kotohime Of Shosha Shibas
Sotou No Gyokuryuu Go Sotosou
Shina No Ichihime Go Shinshuu Mitamurasou
Sherwood Forest Lady Carmen
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree