Welcome to Shiba Inu Pedigree

This database pedigree was created in December 2013 by the French information Website about Shiba: Shiba Inu Club.

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Countries of birth


Years of data


Our rules

Thank you for your participation

for any questions or problems please contact this email: pedigreeshiba@gmail.com

When you add a new dog make sure it does not already exist in the database. The dog's name is written as in the official pedigree, for Japanese's dogs the spelling can be slightly different from one country to another because of the translations.

Please complete all the fields that are available.

The dog's name should be written like this: Naka Go Akaishisou. And NOT: NAKA GO AKAISHISOU or, naka go akaishisou.

Don't enter all pet/family dog without any pic.

Please credit of the photos (or include the website link)..

Only OFFICIAL titles have to be entered. Don't put all CACS/CACIB or Best Baby please.

Put only OFFICIAL health test results, not your vet guess

If parents are not entered in the database you cannot enter them directly into the form. The "Sire" and "Dam" fields are list fields: they search for names when you begin typing only, if the name does not exist in database it will not be saved! In this case you must first validate the form and add parents in the pedigree that appears below using the "add dog" link.

Do not indicate Ch. before the dog's name but in the title field, the titles will subsequently appear automatically on pedigrees.

We are trying to collect information about Shiba Inu from all over the world. The website and database is intended for the community of Shiba Inu lovers worldwide who we hope will help us gather as much information as possible.

Our focus is on Shiba Inu pedigrees and we would appreciate it to also host Shiba Inu pedigrees reaching back to the very beginning of Shiba Inu breeding. You can start exploring the website by following one of these links: